Reconnecting with Friends!


Reconnecting with Friends:
The Joy of Encountering Old Allies

Robi Draco Rosa 

Life has a way of leading us down different paths, sometimes taking us far away from the people who were once an integral part of our lives. However, there are few things as heartwarming and rejuvenating as encountering old friends after a long time. The nostalgia, excitement, and genuine connection that surface during these reunions form the basis for cherished moments that stay with us forever.

Reuniting with old friends not only fills our hearts with happiness but also provides a unique opportunity to catch up on each other’s journey. Exchanging new stories, sharing tales of triumphs, challenges, and the rollercoaster of emotions that life has thrown our way.The encounter offers a glimpse into the growth and transformation we have undergone, providing a deeper understanding of the individuals we have become. The conversations flow effortlessly, and the laughter feels just as genuine as it did before. It is a testament to the strength of these connections, solidified over time, that allows us to pick up where we left off, feeling the warmth of familiarity.

Encountering old friends serves as a reminder of the impact they have had on our lives and the memories we have created together.

These reunions provide an opportunity to express gratitude, appreciating the role they have played in our journey and acknowledging the profound influence they continue to have.It was a privilege for me, after so many years to meet up with singer and songwriter Robi Draco Rosa, an old ally. I was entrusted the work of his astrological jewelry, particularly two astral rings.

“For me, Luisa has museum pieces and it is an honor to carry them on my finger, not only because of what the pieces mean and represent on a spiritual level, but also because of how I carry them in my heart.”The rings were designed in close collaboration with the artist and manufactured entirely in Puerto Rico in my studio in Vega Baja, Puerto Rico.

The level of trust placed in my hands go back to the history between us and the years we have known each other since I worked in the communications area during the launch of the Draco’s platform – PhantomVox.

The singer assures the familiarity comes from years of knowing each other- “the friendship with Luisa, my sister and even with my father, are transmitted in closeness and naturalness”, commented Draco Rosa.

It was truly a joyful and sweet encounter!



Photography by José Juan Díaz Roque
IG @roqueroads